Wednesday, June 4, 2008

LeT Me iNtRoduCe

Dari pertama mulai bkin blog ni mpe posting yg trakhir kmaren, prasaan ik bum prnah y nyeritain background ik. Jadi d postingan ini ik mw membeberkan (halagh,,) smua hal yang berhubungan dengan sang penulis blog ini. Ada pepatah yang bilang 'tak kenal maka tak sayang'. So smoga dgn ini qta bisa saling mengenal dan menyayangi.

My full name is Nike Dewi Utami. I was born in Bandung (my beautiful hometown) on 15th November 1985, at 5 a.m. My father's name is Ir. Kelana Setia. He was born in Bandung on 21st July 1951 and has worked in PT. PINDAD (Persero) Bandung until 2004. Now he works in a non-government company. My mother's name is Hani Andayani, B.Met.E. She was born in Tasikmalaya on 27th November 1960. She has worked in Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN), which is now called PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (PT. DI), and in PT. PINDAD (Persero) for a while. Now she just stays at home taking care of her children (me, before married, and my sister). My name is an abbreviation from my parents's name. Ni is from Hani and Ke is from Kelana. So Nike means Hani and Kelana (sounds good, isnt' it?). Dewi means a daughter and Utami means the first. I've got only one sister. Her name is Intan Yunitasari. She was born in Bandung on 9th June 1993. She studies in Junior High School and soon she will get into Senior High School.

In 2007, i married with a guy. His name is Asep Budirachman. He was born in Tasikmalaya on 14th March (year doesn't mentioned because he doesn't want to). He is a dentist and now is working in Johor, Malaysia in a government clinic. So now we live in Malaysia, exactly in Kluang, Johor. I'm pregnant my first child now in the month of 5. I hope we'll be a happy family ever after.

I think that's all about my parents, my sister and my new little family.

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